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Author Archives: Jeffrey D. Fulton

Home /  Articles by: Jeffrey D. Fulton
Do You Work With Bullies?

As a California worker, you do not expect your workplace to be the perfect place that you look forward to going to each and every day. You do, however, expect…

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Can Your Appearance Get Your Fired?

It is reasonable to think that if you show up for work on time and do your job well that you do not have to worry about being fired. Most…

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Exceptions to California’s at-Will Employment Presumption

As someone who lives and works in California, you may have some understanding of California’s at-will employment doctrine, and you may recognize that it means your employer can fire you…

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3 Reasons to Report Sexual Harassment at Work

Do you receive unwanted and inappropriate comments from co-workers? Does your boss deny you benefits and promotions for turning down sexual advances? Is there offensive decor in your office? If…

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Signs of Retaliation in the Workplace

If you alerted authorities about possible wrongdoing in your California place of business, you may have concerns about whether your employer or coworkers will try to make your work environment…

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Can My Boss Really Fire Me at Any Time Without Notice?

Since college graduation, you have been biding your time swirling lattes at the local coffee shop. Every night after work, while your friends head to the movies or the local…

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What Is a Hostile Work Environment?

If you are a typical California resident, you head to work five days a week. Everyone knows that no workplace is ideal in all respects, and whether you love or…

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Why Petty Slights Do Not Constitute Workplace Discrimination

Some people in the California workplace may end up on the receiving end of behavior they feel is impolite, rude, or annoying. For example, a colleague might interrupt you while…

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