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Citrus Heights Sexual Harassment Lawyer

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Citrus Heights Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Citrus Heights Sexual Harassment Attorney

Employees are protected under state and federal law against sexual harassment, and employers are required to provide a safe working environment. If you feel this right has been violated, let a Citrus Heights sexual harassment lawyer from our team fight for your rights. You deserve and have a right to feel comfortable and protected while at work. Experiencing sexual harassment can take this away from you, and your employer has an obligation to address such behaviors.

At Fulton Law Corporation, our team has the knowledge and experience you deserve to navigate the difficult process of filing a sexual harassment claim against your employer. We know that these situations are demeaning and highly inappropriate. With more than two decades of experience, our team is ready to stand up and fight against your employer’s violations of your employee rights.

Understanding Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is any act that involves unwanted sexual advances, teasing, intimidation, comments, jokes, and even bullying based on sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone and can be perpetrated by anyone, including a co-worker, boss, client, or customer. These behaviors create a working environment that is hostile in nature and prevents you from successfully performing the duties and responsibilities of your employment.

Main Types of Sexual Harassment

There are two main types of sexual harassment, including quid pro quo and those that create a hostile work environment. The differences between these types of sexual harassment include:

  • Quid pro quo. This occurs when a person in a position of power offers or threatens to withhold benefits or job advancement opportunities in exchange for sexual behaviors.
  • Hostile work environment harassment. This occurs when a person’s workplace becomes sexually hostile due to unwelcome sexual conduct.

Sexual harassment can be complicated because your experience does not have to be directed at you. Some of the most common acts that constitute workplace sexual harassment include:

  • Inappropriate touching, including fondling, hugging, and kissing.
  • Sexually suggestive jokes or comments about a person’s physical appearance, spreading rumors, or sharing information about sexual activity in any form
  • Sexist comments
  • Unwanted sexual advances such as letters, phone calls, workspace visits, as well as pressure to go on dates or engage in sexual acts with the person
  • Gestures or body language that are sexually suggestive
  • Displaying sexually suggestive materials in shared or private workspaces
  • Peeping or spying on someone without their consent

These behaviors are just a few of the types of sexual harassment you could experience. Whether directed at you or if you are exposed to a workplace culture that allows such behaviors, your employer may be held responsible. No matter what type of sexual harassment you may be experiencing, you have a right to fight back.

If You Are a Victim of Sexual Harassment

You have the right to act if you are sexually harassed at work. Review your employer’s sexual harassment policy and act based on that. Keep a record of all incidents, including the time, date, who was involved, and who witnessed it. Inform your employer about what is happening and what you are going to do.

You can file a complaint with the California Civil Rights Department (CRD). The CRD is a state agency that protects citizens from employment discrimination. The CRD can pursue damages for you, or they can provide you with a “right-to-sue” notice. A complaint can be filed through mail, online, or via phone.

You also have a choice to file with the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), an organization that enforces federal anti-discrimination laws. You do not need to file with both, as they are automatically cross-filed.

Going through all of this can be emotionally and mentally challenging, and choosing the right attorney who can guide you through these steps can be the support you need. A sexual harassment lawyer assists you with determining liability, investigating, filing paperwork, negotiating, and collecting the damages that are owed.

Damages That Could Be Awarded in a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

Even though employers are legally required to create a workspace free of sexual harassment, situations do happen, and employers are under an obligation to take appropriate corrective action. If they fail to comply, they can face legal consequences and be liable for damages, including:

  • Economic damages. Economic damages are meant to compensate an employee for their financial losses due to sexual harassment, including medical expenses, lost wages due to missed workdays or reduced hours, lost promotions or career advancement opportunities, benefits, and attorney fees.
  • Emotional distress damages. Sexual harassment can affect a person’s emotional and mental health and well-being. Emotional distress damages can include anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, loss of self-esteem, difficulty concentrating, social isolation, and relationship problems.
  • Punitive damages. Punitive damages are intended to punish an employer to deter future sexual misconduct. These damages may be awarded in cases where they acted in malice or with complete disregard of the law. If an employer was aware of the sexual harassment and failed to take appropriate corrective action or even fired the reporting employee, they can be liable for punitive damages.

The specific types of damages you could qualify for depend on the circumstances of your case. Speaking with your attorney can help you better understand what kind of compensation you may be entitled to receive.


Q: What Should I Do if I Am Being Sexually Harassed at Work?

A: If you are being sexually harassed at work in Citrus Heights, California, you should keep a detailed record of every incident. You should then report the harassment to a representative within your company, but if you do not feel comfortable with that or they fail to act appropriately, you can report it to the California CRD. Reach out to a lawyer who can provide advice on what options and legal rights you have.

Q: How Long Will It Take to Resolve a Sexual Harassment Claim?

A: The length of time it takes to resolve a sexual harassment claim will depend on the case complexity, how long the investigative process takes, and whether it can be resolved through mediation or arbitration or go through the court. If the case has to go through full arbitration, how busy the court’s schedule is will be a factor as well.

Q: Can My Employer Retaliate Against Me for Reporting Sexual Harassment?

A: Your employer can’t legally retaliate against you for reporting sexual harassment. According to California law, they are prohibited from being able to terminate, demote, suspend, reduce work hours, or change an employee’s job duties. To prove these actions are linked directly to a sexual harassment claim, employees should document everything.

Q: How Long Do I Have to File a Sexual Harassment Complaint in California?

A: To file a sexual harassment complaint in California, an employee can either follow federal laws and submit a claim to the EEOC within 180 days or file under state law to the CRD within one year. A right-to-sue notice is required from the CRD to bring a lawsuit against an employer.

Citrus Heights Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Every sexual harassment case is unique. If you believe you are the victim of sexual harassment, contact Fulton Law Corporation for a free consultation. You have rights and should fight for the compensation you deserve.

Practice Areas

Employment Law

Employment Law

Class Actions

Class Actions



Hostile Work Environment

Hostile Work Environment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Wage & Hour Violations

Wage & Hour Violations

Whistleblower Retaliation

Whistleblower Retaliation

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful Termination

Male Sexual Harassment

Male Sexual Harassment




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