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Davis Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Davis Sexual Harassment Attorney

Sexual harassment of any kind, regardless of the perceived level of severity, is unacceptable and has absolutely no place in a work environment. If you have experienced any degree of unwanted sexual behavior, then it’s important to contact a Davis sexual harassment lawyer in order to put an immediate stop to these actions and protect yourself against potential retaliation.

What Is Sexual Misconduct?

In the state of California, sexual misconduct refers to a range of inappropriate behaviors that are sexual in nature, unwanted or non-consensual, and committed through intimidation or forceful actions.

There are many different forms of sexual misconduct that can take place in Davis, CA. Some of the most common forms of workplace sexual misconduct include:

  • Sexual Harassment: Any form of unwelcome physical, verbal, or written behavior that is sexual in nature and directed specifically at another person.
  • Sexual Intimidation: Any sort of threat or implied threat against another person to commit a sexual act. Behaviors include sexual gestures, touching, or verbal advances.
  • Sexual Assault: Refers to any type of forcible sexual conduct that is against another person’s will or non-consensual. It can include any sort of unwanted and forced sexual touching, not just intercourse.
  • Sexual Battery: Refers to any form of unwanted sexual touching of another individual’s private body parts. This can include physically touching, fondling, or groping of another person’s private areas.

Sexual misconduct in any of the above forms is unacceptable, regardless of how inconsequential it may seem to the harasser.

Hostile Work Environment Vs. Quid Pro Quo

Under both federal and California state laws, there are two different types of sexual harassment: hostile work environment and quid pro quo.

Hostile Work Environment

A hostile work environment occurs when any action or behavior that is sexual in nature creates an environment that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive to the victim. The behavior does not have to be repetitive to classify as a hostile work environment, and even one single act can be considered sexual harassment. However, if the severity or pervasiveness of the offending behaviors unreasonably interferes with your work duties or alters the conditions of your employment, then it is considered to be hostile work environment sexual harassment.

Some common examples of behaviors that constitute a hostile work environment include:

  • Unwanted sexual offers
  • Unwanted physical contact
  • Sexual jokes, comments, slurs, or the discussion of sexual acts
  • Distributing or displaying pictures, objects, etc., that are of a sexual nature
  • Physically blocking or impeding your movements

Just because one of the above examples may have been previously welcomed by the recipient does not mean that it can’t become unwelcome at a later time or under different circumstances. If, at any point, the behavior becomes unwelcome, then it would become a form of hostile work environment sexual harassment.

Quid Pro Quo

Quid pro quo sexual harassment stems from the Latin phrase “this for that” and occurs when your employer bases the benefits or conditions of your employment on your willingness to engage in sexual favors in return. In this case, the sexual harassment can be either implied or an explicit threat, and the perpetrator must have the authority to follow through on the threats in order to constitute as quid pro quo.

Here are some common examples of quid pro quo sexual harassment:

  • Offering employment or work benefits in exchange for sexual favors
  • Threatening the conditions of your employment or work benefits on the condition of sexual favors
  • Loss of employment, work benefits, or other adverse impacts if you complain about sexual harassment

The consequences offered under a quid pro quo harassment scenario can be either negative or positive. For example, an employer may offer their employee a pay raise if they agree to perform sexual favors, or the employer may threaten to fire the employee if they do not agree to perform sexual favors.

What To Do if You Have Experienced Sexual Harassment

If you or a loved one has experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, regardless of the severity, it’s imperative that you contact a trusted sexual harassment law firm as soon as possible.

In addition to ensuring that the responsible party is held accountable for their actions, this can help put a stop to the behavior and potentially prevent it from happening again to yourself or other individuals.

FAQs for Sexual Harassment Attorneys

Q: What Qualifies as a Harassment Charge in California?

A: In the state of California, the legal definition of harassment is any unwelcome conduct that is either severe or pervasive in nature. There are four different types of harassment that state law currently recognizes: civil harassment, sexual harassment in the workplace, non-sexual harassment in the workplace, and stalking. Speaking with an attorney can help you determine if the behavior you are experiencing is harassment.

Q: What Is the Sexual Misconduct Law in California?

A: Sexual misconduct is defined as a range of unwanted behaviors committed by another party. These actions include any kind of non-consensual behavior that is sexual in nature, unwelcome sexual contact, sexual advances (physical, verbal, or written), and sexual intercourse. This misconduct is typically committed through means of intimidation or forceful actions.

Q: How Do I Report Workplace Harassment in California?

A: If you have been a victim of harassment in the workplace, then you should notify your employer immediately. Once that has been done, you can file an official claim with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), which is responsible for protecting employees from unlawful discrimination. You can also choose to file a report with the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), which is responsible for enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws.

Q: What Are the Three Elements of Sexual Misconduct?

A: Sexual misconduct refers to a range of unwanted or non-consensual behavior that is sexual in nature. In California, the three elements that must be present to constitute sexual misconduct are the behaviors must be:

  • Unwanted or non-consensual,
  • Sexual in nature, and
  • Committed by intimidation or forceful actions

Finding the Right Representation

Speaking with an employment lawyer that you trust and who has direct experience with sexual harassment cases can make all the difference. Fulton Law Corporation would be honored to represent you during this difficult time. We can help guide you through the entire legal process while ensuring that your rights are protected. Schedule a case evaluation to see how we can help your unique situation.

Practice Areas

Employment Law

Employment Law

Class Actions

Class Actions



Hostile Work Environment

Hostile Work Environment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Wage & Hour Violations

Wage & Hour Violations

Whistleblower Retaliation

Whistleblower Retaliation

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful Termination

Male Sexual Harassment

Male Sexual Harassment




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