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Sacramento Employment Law Attorney

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Sacramento Employment Law Attorney

Sacramento Employment Law Lawyer

No one should have to endure a violation of their employment rights. Our Sacramento Employment Law Attorney at Fulton Law Corporation helps our clients seek fair and just compensation that can enable them to move forward after they were unlawfully mistreated or abused in the workplace.

Mistreated or Abused at Work? We Seek Justice for Our Clients throughout California.

There are many laws at the federal and state level that protect workers’ rights. Any violation of these laws is a serious matter and offending parties should be held accountable. Fulton Law Corporation has more than 20 years of experience helping clients seek legal remedies after suffering unlawful mistreatment and abuse at work.

Depending upon your case, you may be eligible for remedies and monetary compensation such as:

  • Back pay
  • Front pay
  • Lost benefits
  • Reinstatement of employment
  • Reasonable accommodations
  • Compensatory damages (including attorney’s fees)
  • Punitive damages (at the sole discretion of the court)

You may even be able to sue for medical bills and other financial injuries you suffered as a direct result of your employer’s actions or failure to adequately address an infringement of your rights.

While no amount of compensation can undo what you have experienced, it can help you move forward. Take the next step necessary toward a brighter future by reaching out to the Fulton Law Corporation, your trusted employment law firm, for help.

How We Can Help You

The Fulton Law Corporation is capable of helping employees validate and move forward with their claims if they believe their rights have been violated at work. Our Sacramento employment lawyer is an experienced litigator and can help you fight your case in court should the opposition fail to settle on agreeable terms.

Our employment law services in Sacramento, California, cover a number of issues that people commonly experience when they experience unlawful treatment and abuse at work.

Here are some common types of employment violations:

Contact Fulton Law Corporation Today

If you think you have a claim, schedule a free case evaluation with our attorney to learn more about our employment law services in Sacramento. Unsure but concerned about a possible violation of your rights at work? You can use our free case evaluation to discuss your concerns and options with an attorney who has more than 20 years of experience in this field.

The firm is currently evaluating potential cases and invites you to call us to discuss your case at 916-993-4900 or contact us.

Practice Areas

Employment Law

Employment Law

Class Actions

Class Actions



Hostile Work Environment

Hostile Work Environment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Wage & Hour Violations

Wage & Hour Violations

Whistleblower Retaliation

Whistleblower Retaliation

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful Termination

Male Sexual Harassment

Male Sexual Harassment




Contact Us

Learn more about what the Fulton Law Corporation can offer our clients by scheduling your free case evaluation today. Get in touch with us by filling out our online contact form.

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