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Sacramento Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer

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Sacramento Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer

Sacramento Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney

Fighting for the Rights of Workers for over 20 Years

If you have experienced pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, you need an employment law attorney who is willing to fight to protect your rights. At the Fulton Law Corporation, our Sacramento pregnancy discrimination lawyer is ready to go to war for you. We have a proven track record of securing relief for our clients and helping them recover the remedies they deserve.

Understanding Pregnancy Discrimination

When women, whether job applicants or employees, are treated unfavorably based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions, an employer may be in violation of state and federal pregnancy discrimination laws in Sacramento, California.

Pregnancy discrimination can take many forms, including:

  • An employer refuses to hire an applicant who is pregnant
  • An employer demotes or fires a pregnant employee
  • An employer fails to treat a pregnant employee the same as other employees with temporary disabilities
  • An employer does not allow an employee who took pregnancy-related leave to return to the same or similar job

Under law, pregnancy-related conditions may be considered a temporary disability. Employers must treat pregnant employees the same as those with other temporary disabilities. A failure to do so can result in a pregnancy discrimination claim.

Workplace Accommodations for Pregnant Women

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers must treat pregnant employees who can no longer perform their job functions in the same manner as they treat other employees who are temporarily incapable of doing their job tasks. This could involve giving the individual modified tasks or alternative assignments.

For example, if you are no longer able to perform heavy lifting, your employer might resolve the situation by shifting some of your job duties to other workers in your group or permitting you to transfer to a vacant position.

What Happens to My Salary While I am on Pregnancy Leave?

According to labor laws, employers are not required to offer paid leave during or after pregnancy. However, any benefits, including paid leave, that your employer offers to those who cannot work for health reasons must also be made available to pregnant women and new mothers who temporarily cannot work.

For example, if an employee receives disability pay during their recovery from surgery, women should receive an offer of the same pay during recovery from childbirth. If your employer doesn’t offer any protections for disabled individuals, you may still have the option to use sick leave or vacation leave to maintain an income while you are off work for pregnancy. If you’re unsure about your rights, consulting with experienced employment law attorneys can help clarify your legal options and protect your rights.

Get an Experienced Attorney on Your Side

Filing a claim for any type of workplace discrimination can be a challenge on your own. Our Sacramento pregnancy discrimination lawyer is here to help you navigate the complex process as you pursue a favorable outcome. Contact now.

Practice Areas

Employment Law

Employment Law

Class Actions

Class Actions



Hostile Work Environment

Hostile Work Environment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Quid Pro Quo Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment

Wage & Hour Violations

Wage & Hour Violations

Whistleblower Retaliation

Whistleblower Retaliation

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful Termination

Male Sexual Harassment

Male Sexual Harassment




Contact Us

Learn more about what the Fulton Law Corporation can offer our clients by scheduling your free case evaluation today. Get in touch with us by filling out our online contact form.

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